A Celebration for Women

I want to start this post with a very typical anecdote because that seems to inspire all of my posts.

My dad came home and told me he ran into one of my elementary/high school friends on public transit, on his way home. This old friend of mine is well known by my parents. When I say childhood friend I truely mean we've known each other since before pre-school and followed each other through high school and now we even attend the same university. We were the definition of best friends until about grade 8 or 9 when some stupid high school drama happened and we grew apart. I honestly cannot pin point the time, or reason for the fall out but it happened and we've never been the same since.

Since then, we've casually kept in touch here and there for birthdays and restaurant recommendations but nothing more than that. So when my dad told me he saw her, my first thought was "Oh wow! I haven't talked to her in a while! She's the sweetest! I hope she'd doing well!". When my dad finishes detailing the quick conversation they had on the train, he tell me this:

"You know, in all the people and friends, you have that I know and have interacted with, none have ever said this to me about you. She asked me how you were doing in school, and I told her about your internship and how much you're enjoying it. Then she asked me if you happy. I told her "yes!" but I could tell in that moment she really cared about your happiness and wanted to know if you were doing well."

Honestly when my dad told me this I wasn't shocked. I know from even the brief interactions we've had in the last 6 or so years that she has no evil bone in her body. She is the sweetest and probably most caring person inside and out that I know. And that is were this post starts...

I've talked about manifestations and the law of attraction before (actually quite often lately haha). I found myself again today manifesting to be surrounded by love, while I was editing the post I just posted (for you it'll be last week's post). And here we are. A friend I haven't really talked to in a very long time just happened to run into my dad for the first time in the 4 year my dad and I have taken the same train back home from downtown to the suburbs. Minded my friend and I haven't moved houses since we were infants so we've even been in the same neighborhood and never crossed paths! Ever! But on this day that I manifested love, she popped into my life unexpectantly. I have no idea what that means for me, but it has to mean something more than a coincidence right?!

Anyways this post is supposed to be about International Women's Day (sorry I'm a little late) that was just a couple days ago for you guys (oops more like a week). And with all of this information I've thrown into you, if you remember nothing else than the next couple sentences it will be worth it.

There are some incredible women that are simply living their lives right now that have no idea how much they may impact your life. If you do nothing else today, at the very least, find that woman, or women and tell her how much she means to you. As you've probably herd many times over, women need to be supported and told that their voices matter to continue to fight for what they want and believe in. No matter what gender you identify as, you need support when you are stepping out of your comfort zone to do something you love or believe in. So what harm comes from reminding others that they are appreciated and her?!. This goes without saying but the world cannot grow with women. So we need to treat women with respect and provide them the sense of dignity they deserve.

I don't know what's going to happen with this childhood friend and I, but what I do know is that my dad was very touched by his interaction with her. We need more women like her in this world. People who genuinely care about others' happiness. I hope one day to impact someone's life in half the way my friend has probably done for her friends, including myself, and I wouldn't be shocked if she's even impacted strangers.

Manifestation works. It doesn't give you the answers, but it guides you closer to clarity and ultimate happiness if you use it properly.

Happy International Women's Day

