Could it be?!

I pack up my things and head to the hallway. My dad is helping me move things out of my Toronto apartment. Dad starts talking about a plan for my next move.

"Actually, it's perfect, so whenever you move out, I can just wheel the couch out without disassembling"

I respond "Well that depends on the circumstances in my life when I eventually move out. Maybe I won't need the couch where I'll be moving to. Maybe the love of my life lives in the same building and I'll move in with him".

We load the elevator and it starts going down to the lobby. It stops on the 24th floor for someone. You walk in. My heart stops. Keep cool I tell myself, dad is standing right beside you. don't make it obvious.

The doors close, we're going down, another stop on the 18th floor. A man with his dog come in. OMG that's such a cute dog. That feeling comes over me, like someone's looking at me. I look up. You're smiling right at me. I look at you, dead pan stare. Fuck I probably looked pissed, or angry. I don't want him to think I hate him. Fuck now what?! Ok just look down and smile at the dog. He's smiling at the dog too. Ok ya do that and he'll see you're not a heartless bitch.

The elevator keeps moving, down towards the lobby. You ask the dog owner how old she is, he says 8. You're friendly. You seem sweet.

Everyone gets off the elevator. You go one way, I go the other. Goodbye.

No it can't be goodbye. you were on the 24th floor! No... there's no way it's you. It can't be you. I call her.

"Did he have curly brown hair?"

she says yes

Omg what if it's you!

I write a note. Put it on your door, and wait.

If this were a movie, you'd knock on my door with the note in your hand. I'd say hi and smile, we talk about the note.

This could be the start of something new, if this were a movie.
